Hi, hope you're all having a great weekend!
I feel like I haven't posted on my blog in forever... Last year was a bit rough in terms of feeling like I was going through a transition phase and losing motivation at work. I love my clients and love training them and doing nutrition coaching, but I think it was time for a change of scenery! I have now relocated to a new gym in Etobicoke called Xtreme Couture; still doing personal training and nutrition but my main focus here is transformations! I am taking on clients who want to go through a complete mental and physical transformation and implement overall lifestyle changes including: nutrition, exercise (weight training and cardio) and positive thinking in order to achieve results that will last a life-time :)
I myself had been struggling with finding balance with work, life and fitness (my passion). At my old workplace I had begun feeling stuck and like I just wasn't developing my skills well. I had almost decided to leave Toronto for a fresh start somewhere completely different. I even gave up my lease at my old apartment to start planning a road trip across Canada!!! LOL...
A few days after resigning from my old job I decided to try out Xtreme Couture on a guest pass and long story short; I signed up and the next day was offered work as a personal trainer. I had a good vibe from the moment I walked in to this gym so I figured why not give it a shot? Over the past 1-2 weeks I've been having amazing workouts and feeling a new sense of motivation and excitement towards life! So I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of 2017 will go.
I'll be posting my workouts again and nutrition updates and hopefully some videos as well:)
I'll be posting my workouts again and nutrition updates and hopefully some videos as well:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great week!!!!! xoxoxo