Hi guys! As promised on my facebook page earlier, I said I would share my latest core workout :) This one was really effective; my abs felt tighter as I was leaving the gym and pretty much all weekend I felt like I was wearing a girdle around my midsection!! Lol... Hope you enjoy it and I have included some modifications for the more advanced moves!
Start with a light 10min warmup on cardio machine of choice:
Start with a light 10min warmup on cardio machine of choice:
- 6 sets 20, 15, 12, 12, 10, 10 reps Hanging Leg Raises (wide grip) *modification - lying leg raises (toes pointed out and slow on the way down/negatives)
- 3 sets 25-30 reps crunches with feet up (first 20 reps: 10oblique crunches on the left side & 10 on the right side)
- 4 sets 20 reps: V-ups. *modification - crunch and reverse crunch combined into one motion.
- 60 second Plank on 2 stability balls with feet on one stability ball/forearms on the other. *modification - plank with forearms on stability ball, toes on the floor.
- Broomstick twists: 3 sets 25 reps.
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